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Coronavirus alert

Legal alert: Restrictions on business operations in retail developments

Restrictions on business operations in retail developments with a sales area of over 2,000 square metres, introduced under the Regulation of the Council of Ministers of November 06, 2020 Below you will our analysis of the Regulation of the Council of Ministers, dated N...

Coronavirus alert

Amendments to public procurement law in view of draft “Anti-Crisis Shield 4.0”

A draft version of the so-called “Anti-Crisis Shield 4.0” has just reached the parliament (the “Draft Bill”). It introduces further amendments to the existing special purpose act, including ones that concern the public procurement law (“PPL”). The Draft Bill amends t...

Coronavirus alert

Anti-Crisis Shield 3.0 – suspension of court and procedural deadlines lifted

May 16, 2020 was the effective date for most provisions of the so-called “Anti-Crisis Shield 3.0.” The Act lifts the suspension of court and procedural deadlines. When will time limits start to run and how to count them? Until now, during the coronavirus epidemic, time...

Coronavirus alert

Anti-Crisis Shield 3.0 – remote hearings and closed-door sessions in civil cases

May 16, 2020 was the effective date for most provisions of the Act of May 14, 2020, amending specific acts in terms of protective actions related to the spread of SARS-CoV2 (Dz. U. / Journal of Laws of 2020, item 875), commonly referred to as “Anti-Crisis Shield 3.0.” C...

Coronavirus alert

Ministry of Justice announces simplified restructuring procedure

In response to act BSWW’s request for legislative actions, the Ministry of Justice has announced that it is working on a simplified restructuring procedure for enterprises. At the onset of the epidemic, act BSWW asked the Ministry of Justice to suspend the obligation t...

Coronavirus alert

Amendments to public procurement law in view of drafted “Anti-Crisis Shield 2.0”

A draft of so-called “Anti-Crisis Shield 2.0” has just reached the Sejm (the “Draft Bill”). The Draft Bill contains further amendments to the special-purpose act already in place, incl. ones revising the Public Procurement Law (the “PPL”). Below you will find a summary ...

Coronavirus alert

Corporate resolutions vs. coronavirus restrictions. Updated as of April 01, 2020.

Actions aimed at quelling the spread of COVID-19, such as border closures, flight cancellations and severe restrictions on gatherings and travel, may have a massive impact on business operations, especially when it comes to resolutions adopted by shareholders, managemen...

Coronavirus alert

Businesses no longer required to seek KNF’s approval for offering memorandum in case of “rolling” offerings – relief for businesses amid coronavirus epidemic

In the Supervisory Impulses Package for the Security and Growth of the Capital Market, the Polish Financial Supervision Authority (KNF) announced relief for businesses regarding (among others) the offering documents processing. As promised, the “Anti-Crisis Shield,” ado...

Coronavirus alert

Amendments to public procurement law in view of “Anti-Crisis Shield” – UPDATE

As part of the so-called “Anti-Crisis Shield,” March 31 saw the Polish President sign an act (the “Act”) that contains modifications related to the public procurement law (“PPL”). Below you will find a summary of changes to the previous version of the “Anti-Crisis Shiel...

Coronavirus alert

Personal data protection amid #coronavirus

The response to the COVID-19 outbreak has infiltrated nearly every aspect of daily life. Polish laws have not been immune to the epidemic’s impact either, with the government recently announcing a draft of the so-called Anti-Crisis Shield designed to amend a number of a...